That air conditioning has improved our lives is something we all know, because when summer comes, with its high temperaturas, whether at home, at work or in shopping and leisure centers, we can develop any activity enjoying pleasant temperatures and without having to suffer the terrible heats of this season.

However, it is also common to know the problems that different air conditioning systems have, such as, for example, the temperature that each person considers “ideal”, or the cost of energy and money involved in our pockets.

Several brands of the current market work the system called Airzone that allows, with a single device, to have the desired temperature in each of the romos of your home, installing a small thermostat, to select the temperature individually.

In this way, there is no reason to have acclimatized áreas of the house where you only enter from time to time, or the romos thar are surely closed most of the day, and yet the kitchen, the living roo mor the office from where you work several hours a day, they can be perfectly heated and at the temperature you want.

The Airzone system therefore puts at your fingertips a new world of quality air conditioning, in which you not only decide the desired temperature at any tyme, but also allows you to decide when or at what time to turn i ton even when you’re not at home, and which also means you sabe energy and money, since you avoid wasting electricity by being able to make these kinds of decisions.

There is no doubt, Airzone is a true revolution in terms of air conditioning
